World Bible Quiz Association

Shield Reigns at the Snowflake Regional Tournament
The 2016 Snowflake Tournament was held again on February 13 in Hershey, Pa. We had teams that participated from various parts of Pennsylvania. Read more...

All-Timers: A Hit for All Ages
On January 16, 2016, The All-Timers Tournament on hosted 21 teams from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania - a record turn-out for the tournament! Great competition with a healthy dose of fun was had by quizzers of all ages, but there could be only one team crowned the champion. Congrats to returning first-place team, Beauty and the Beards. See Tournament Results here...

Maximum Age Extended in Official WBQA Rules
After a unanimous vote by the WBQA Board of Directors, the rules have been revised to allow students up to age 20 (as of November 1) to participate in events using WBQA rules. Click here to download a copy of the new rules!